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Metal-free FDA implant framework.
Strong and lightweight.
Natural flex and load parameters.



Boasting enormous strength while offering natural flex and load parameters, TriLor is a fiber reinforced composite material for All-on X implant supported bars and super structures.



Resembling the characteristics of human bone, TriLor endorses bio-mimetic dentistry with a definitive, metal-free implant bar solution that is esthetic, comfortable, lightweight and durable.



With a variety of esthetic options to choose from, confidently overlay with Zirconia, Emax, Crystal Ultra, Composites and Acrylics. TriLor loves them all.



TriLor, developed by Bioloren, is a techno-polymer that is composed and strengthened by a multi-directional fiberglass matrix, offering high strength and natural load distribution.



As you can see, the technical attributes* of TriLor rank best-in class, leading the category of High-Performance Polymers.

HARVEST TriLor Techno-Polymer Framework, Metal Free - All Types

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