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PC 15 is a fine grained phosphate bonded investment for pressable ceramics. Its creamy consistency pours easily when investing and produces smooth pressings using either the rapid or standard burnout technique.


PC 15 offers many advantages to the laboratory such as:

  • Only one investment needed for both staining and layering techniques
  • Rapid and standard burnout capabilities require no change in laboratory routine
  • Fifteen minute benchset reduces processing time
  • Freeze stable FasFire Liquid allows year-round, problem-free shipping

Its ease of use and reliable performance make PC 15 Investment an excellent material for laboratories using today’s popular pressable ceramic systems.


*Suggested concentration of FastFire Liquid is 100% (1 part liquid to 1 part water).

WHIP MIX PC 15, 100-100g Packages #38183

SKU: 38183
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